Feb 07, 2020
I’m gonna make this blog real simple. You’re in a turning season. You’re in a season of shifting. You’re in a season of breakthrough. Can you sense it? Can you feel it? Can you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth? It’s your TURNING SEASON!
Here’s something about the turning season. God won’t make the turn for you. He’s looking for YOU to make the turn. He’s allowing things to happen that will shift and catapult you into another level of greatness, but the catch is….YOU GOT TO MAKE THE TURN!
In order to make the turn, you have to realize that you are suppose to turn. You have to realize that you are suppose to shift with the SHIFT that’s happening in your life! Sometimes we miss the turning season simply because it’s hard for us to make the turn! It’s hard for us to make the SHIFT! You see, when you are in the turning season, the turning can bring discomfort.
Here are a few things you need to know about the turning season:
1) In the turning season, you have to EXPECT blessings and breakthrough from God.
2) You have to open your eyes to see what you currently have or you will miss the overflow of what it can be! In the turning season, God will take what you got and bring the abundance to what seemed like LACK!
3) You will reevaluate what you have. What you thought was nothing….you will realize that it was more than you thought it was. Even the crushing was meant to be a blessing. In the turning, you will reevaluate! You will see from a different perspective!
4) In the turning season, God will give you divine instructions that will bring humility, but increase and favor IF you are obedient!
5) You must be WILLING to be humble. God will not force your humility. You have to give it!
6) You will realize in this season that obedience is better than sacrifice! Your obedience is about to bring in the overflow! Get ready!
7) The turning season will make you lose your excuses! It will make you stop complaining! God is about to open your eyes to a whole new world of favor. Lose the excuses. Stop complaining. Do what God told you to do.
Things are turning… Don’t miss what God is doing in this season of your life. Instead, you need to embrace it! I preached this sermon a couple of Sundays ago. You can find it below on YouTube or on my Podcast- The Inner View with Trish M. The entire message is going to bless you. Make sure to tune in!
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