Distractions Won’t WIN
May 19, 2023
In these days, it can be extremely hard to focus your mind. So much is going on all around us each and every day! It’s in those time that you have to determine what you will do…bbque or mildew. BBque means that you will stay focused no matter what comes your way. It means that you’ll cook up something that’s going to help you win…that’s going to help you win no matter what. Now when you decide to mildew, that means you’re stagnant. Things will begin to smell and rotten if you don’t get up and do something about it. I know that’s not what you want. That’s why I want to give you a few ways to help you stay focused in this now season.
If you’re really going to stay focused. You have to ask God to help you with that. Literally ask God to guard and direct your thoughts.
Philippians 2:5-11
King James Version
5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
So as you think, so shall you manifest! Take control of your thoughts by giving God permission to intervene, especially when your thoughts are heavy and depressing….frustrating….bringing doubt, insecurity and fear. Those are the thoughts you don’t want to hang around. You have to be intentional on thinking good thoughts (even when you have every right to be negative) so that you can manifest good things. And sometimes, that takes help from God depending on the situation.
I give 4 ways to stay focused on my podcast below. Check it out. It’s going to bless you.
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