Don’t Talk It….Walk It
Jul 01, 2022
It’s all about faith right now! We are halfway through this year, and I gotta tell you….So many blessings are on the way! This is the year of double! This is the year of increase! This is a set year of favor! I’m not just saying this to say it. I have to remind you of where you are going! You’re halfway through, and it may not seem like things are going to manifest…but they will! I got to remind you of where you are heading….I got to remind you of the hope you once had upon starting this year. I simply got to remind you because I don’t want your faith to fail you! Sometimes, you have to have that person in your ear whispering the promises of God to remind you of where you’re heading! And you know what the key to that is? It’s FAITH!
On my podcast this past week, I talked about some key things about faith with Minister Ebony Sheppard. These points are very important if we are going to experience what God has for us.
Let me give you just a couple of them:
1) Faith in God includes faith in God’s timing. Ouch! You can’t have faith in God, but then doubt His timing. I have found that delayed manifestation increases doubt and fear; however, it’s in those times that God wants us to trust Him the most. It’s a test to see if you really trust God like you say you do!
2) Don’t plant a seed of faith and then dig it up with doubt. Well…let’s just say many of us have done that one! How many times have you believed, and then all of sudden something comes into your thoughts that make you want to second-guess if it will happen? That’s digging your faith up with doubt! That’s exactly what the enemy wants from you. Don’t let that devil win!
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