Get Ready to Decree It
Jul 22, 2022
When I tell you there is so much power in your prophetic decrees! Yesssss! The power of life is there…and so is the power of death. When you decree life, you are decreeing for something to prosper. You are decreeing growth to something. You are decreeing BREAKTHROUGH. It’s in your mouth! I am a living witness of what can happen when you decree a thing. Let me tell you all about it.
So, on last week, I did a podcast. The title of the podcast was “Financial Prosperity #DecreeIt”. On this podcast, I challenged my listeners to do a 7 day challenge of financial declarations with me. These decrees were specifically for God to send increase like never before in the financial realm. If you missed it, you missed a good one!
On yesterday, after only a few days of making those declarations into my own atmosphere, my husband got a call from his boss telling him that effective IMMEDIATELY, he will be getting a 20% increase to his salary outside of his typical bonuses. My husband is in pharmaceutical sales, so this was a major increase for us! Did I mention that he (my husband) and I have been making these declarations daily together every day since the challenge? We come together each morning for prayer so that we could decree these things into our atmosphere. Within a few days of that, we have already seen immediate manifestation! Look at God!!!!
I invite you to join us in the challenge. We’re still doing it because we believe there’s even more that God wants to do with us in the financial realm! Do you believe that too? If so, join us in this challenge! Don’t forget to be CONSISTENT in speaking this daily! Matter of fact, go back and listen to the podcast. It will bless you!
Here are our declarations:
Financial Declarations of Prosperity
- By faith, I am about to receive a major check written out to me or cash money that someone wants to bless me with.
- I am about to see financial manifestation from seed sewn from blessing others.
- The latter rain of financial prosperity is here for my family.
- The blessings of the Lord are about to make me RICH in this hour, and there will be no sorrow added with it.
- God is opening financial portals for me that’s going to manifest next-level financial status in my life.
- Wealth and riches are in my house, and God’s righteousness will endure forever in my house.
- As I give God my tithes and my offerings, my home will be filled with plenty, and my barns will burst out with new wine.
- I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath. I will lend and not borrow.
- The curse of lack and poverty is destroyed off my life. I will never live check-to-check.
- As God fills my cup with overflow, I’m going to make sure that overflow flows into somebody else’s cup to be a blessing to them.
- Everything that I have lost won’t compare to what God is about to give me in this hour in the name of Jesus. God is about to give me overflow!
- The spirit of lack and poverty can never manifest in my life again.
- I am in a season, time, and life where I prosper and be in good health even as my soul prospers. Prosperity, divine health, and divine wealth are all around me. I receive it NOW by faith.
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