Grace is Being RELEASED
May 21, 2024
We are in a season and time where God is releasing a new level of grace... a grace that we have never ever before experienced!
This grace is going to open doors to breakthrough and favor. This grace is releasing things that have been held up. This grace is showing you and all the spectators around you that God has NOT forgotten you!
The Lord gave me a few ways that He is releasing this grace. I want to share them with you:
- God is giving you the grace to endure as a good soldier and finish strong. I know it may get hard and even frustrating sometimes. I simply want to remind you to continue to endure as a good soldier. There are blessings and a new level of favor on the other side of this!
- God is giving you the grace to walk boldly in your gifts and callings. You are about to see greater levels coming out of you. Your anointing in ministry, your anointing as a wife or mother, business owner, employee, friend...get ready because greater is about to come out of you. A new level of growth and maturity is upon you. So much so, that others will notice. #WatchGod
- God is gracing you to walk in a new level of humility. Why? Because He is about to exalt you in front of your enemies! When you want to say something, your mouth will be closed because of the grace of God on your life! Remember...God gives grace to the humble, but the proud He brings to a low place. Because of your humility, exaltation is coming!
- God is giving you the grace to turn away from ungodliness and ungodly people. That's right. The cutoff is about to be real. There are some things/people around you in this season that you will realize that they don't need to be that close to you. God is about to give you a divine revelation. Don't ignore it!
Tune in to my podcast below. I go deeper on the grace of God that's being released in this hour. It's going to bless you. Make sure to share.
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