Keys to Harvest
Oct 19, 2023
Don't make this mistake. Don't go into harvest season thinking things are just going to happen because you are in a season of harvest. If you do, you might end up watching others get blessed instead of you!
One thing you have to know... there are specific keys to manifesting harvest. When I talk about harvest, I'm simply talking about your breakthrough, your increase, your favor, etc. I'm talking about the many ways God can release a blessing to you in this season of your life.
Here are couple of things I want you to do:
1.Expect. That's right. Put an expectation behind what you are believing God for. Decree it. Declare it. Believe it. Expect it. Losing is not an option. You will see the glory of the Lord manifest blessings for you! Write down some expectations that you have in this season. Then.... watch God!
2. Ask for help to maintain what you have been asking for. So many times God blesses us with "the thing(s)", and we end up losing it thinking..."oh that probably wasn't God in it". Wrong! A lot of times, we don't know how to maintain what God gives us. Think about it like this. The majority of people who win the lottery end up losing it all within a few years. Why? Because they didn't have the wisdom and the discipline to hold on to it! Don't be the one who gets what they ask for in harvest season, but lose out on it quickly due to simply "not knowing". The bible tells us that in all our getting, we need to get some UNDERSTANDING!
I go over several more keys in my podcast. Don't miss it. Tune in now. It's going to bless you!
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