NO, I don't want no SHRUB!
Nov 15, 2024
Isaiah 61:3
"They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor."
It's time to grow. It's time to go from simple to more complex. It's time to go from comfortable to uncomfortable. It's time to open your eyes to realize where you are now, so that you can know where you are going.
The evidence of life is growth. If something is not growing, it is presumed dead. If something is not growing, it could be stagnant. You can't realize that you're not growing if you're too comfortable with stagnation! Ouch!! 😬
I like to use the analogy of a tree versus a shrub. We think about it in the natural, but let me show you how this can also be applied to the spiritual. Not only do trees grow taller and bigger than shrubs, they also have more longevity and can endure far more than a tree. If we are going to win this thing called LIFE, then we have to have a tree mentality. We have to endure through every storm, every rain, and every situation!
Here's another point. Tree mentality says that you will produce much fruit. Shrubs produce little to no fruit. If you are going to win, you have to be fruitful and multiply! Multiply and cultivate your money, your mindset, your gifts, your talents, your relationships, etc. Tree mentality is always ready to produce!
There's so many more points that I want to share with you on this. Tune in to my podcast below. I go deeper on it. It's going to bless you. Make sure to share.
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