Pray like Jesus
Jun 24, 2022
Listen to me. You are in a new season right now. Yeah…I know summer just came in literally, but you are truly in a new season of your life. Can you feel the transition? Can you feel the pull? It’s not by happenstance that you feel that. God has shifted us to another season in our lives. The question is…can you handle the shift?
Here is one thing that I know we MUST do in the middle of a transition. We must PRAY! Listen, transition is always good when we can shift with God; however, it isn’t always easy. I am a living witness! But here’s the thing…it’s not about it being easy nor hard…it’s about if God can trust you in the shift. What does that mean? Can God trust you to shift with Him, or will you shift against Him by ignoring what He’s saying? Ouch! #Selah
I’m going to go back to what I said earlier. We must PRAY in this transitional season. But…it’s not about any old prayer….we need to pray like Jesus! When and how did Jesus pray? I’m so glad you asked!
Jesus prayed during the following times:
- Before an Important Decision (Luke 6:12-16)
- To Prepare for Ministry/ His next level of what God called him to (Mark 1:35-39)
- When He Received a lot of Attention (Luke 5:15-16)
- After a Spiritual High (Matthew 14:21-24)
- For Strength to Face a Trial or Temptation (Luke 22:41-44)
This is not limited. This is only to give you some important times that Jesus prayed in His life. Can you find yourself in any of these situations? If so, then you MUST pray! Prayer will help you get through this season of transition. Transition is for your good even though at times it doesn’t feel like it!
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