Prophetic Meaning of the Number 7
Jul 19, 2024
We are in the 7th month of the year. Well...almost half -way through. That still means that July is not over!
Let me help you in understanding what I mean. We know that the number 7 is a number of completion, perfection and divine order. But that's not all!
Did you know that the number 7 is also a number of forgiveness and letting go? I got a question for you. Has God been revealing you to YOU this month? Meaning...has He been giving you things to let go of so that you can focus on something far more important? Has He been showing you ways that you're distracted. Has He shown you people that you need to forgive? If He has, I am not surprised. This is that kind of month! When Peter asked how many times should he forgive someone, Jesus replies, "Not seven times, but seventy-seven times" (Matthew 18:21-22), indicating boundless forgiveness.
Did you also know that the number 7 prophetically symbolizes multiplied blessings? In Matthew 15, Jesus used 7 loaves of bread to feed the thousands. Yep, it was like that!
There's so much more that I want to share with you on what the number 7 means prophetically. Tune in to my podcast below. I go deeper on it. It's going to bless you. Make sure to share.
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