That's NA-CHO Level

Jul 10, 2024

Don't get too comfortable. The level that you're on now is only a connector to your next. It's that in-between place to the greater that God has on the horizon. Whatever level you're on right now, remember this.... that's NA-CHO level!

Sometimes we have to be reminded that there's more; that there's bigger on the horizon waiting to manifest in our lives. 

The in-between place can be one of the most frustrating places. It’s also one of the hardest places to make advancements. 

But, the in-between place can also be one of the most comfortable places. You have to make a decision when you’re at this level. Do I stay comfortable, or do I stretch?

The in-between place can also feel exactly like a wilderness. But watch this… You can adapt so well to a wilderness sometimes that you’ll forget that you’re in one. 😬

The wilderness is only a connector to your NEXT LEVEL, but it depends on what you do in your now as to whether you achieve it. 

You simply have to want to be connected to your next. Don't get comfortable in your in-between place. Greater is coming. Put on faith and watch how God moves in this season. It's your NOW season to see God's glory manifest in your life! You have to say it loud so that YOU can hear it--- "It's my NOW season to see God's glory manifest in my life!"

Tune in to my podcast below. I go deeper on why it can be so hard to get out of that in-between place. It's going to bless you. Make sure to share.


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