Mar 31, 2017
This is the topic that my FabFriday Word of the Day was on so if you missed that video, see it below and go back and check it out.
I talked about Prophet Ezekiel. One thing that we have to understand about Prophet Ezekiel….the word of God says that the Spirit of God led him to a low place. What was that low place? That low place was a valley where God allowed him to see things that appeared dead in the natural. God showed the MOG that dead place so that he could see that he could resurrect it! How could he resurrect it? With his mouth! His very words were about to recreate his own atmosphere!
Ok, so check this out. God knew that it appeared dead to the Prophet, but he also knew the power and potential that was inside of him. So he asked if those bones could live! Now, God already knew the answer…but he was testing the Prophet to see if he knew. To be on the safe side….the man of God was like….well I don’t know God…only you know!
God is saying to someone today….of course I know, but I need to wake you up….I need to stir you up….I need to shake you up so that YOU can know! I need you to remember the dreams, visions, passions, desires….goals, ambitions….God is saying I need you to know and remember what I put on the inside of you to do. I need you to open up your mouth and decree a thing and let your FAITH see it be established! God is saying I need you to go higher, be stronger and do all that I have purposed for you to do!
So, speak to all of your situations and circumstances. Speak to them like you know them. You know….when you know someone you’re confident when you speak to them. God is saying to speak to all that that is on the inside of you with CONFIDENCE! Believe that He has given you His word. Hold true to that word!
If God made you a promise…..stand strong so you see it come to pass!
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