Things That Cause Relationship Drama
Mar 07, 2025
Micah 6:8 – "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"
God is the God of relationships. He loves relationships. He loves reconciliation. That's why He sent Christ so we as a people could be reconciled back to him. In our own strength, we couldn't do it, but Christ could!
Have you ever had relationship issues (romantic or platonic) that got jacked up from the floor up! 🤔 Some you may have been able to put the pieces back together, but others you may have had to completely let go and let God! 😬
Have you ever wondered how we as a people can jack up our relationships like we do? God revealed to me that what doesn't work with Him, isn't going to work in any relationship, no matter what type of relationship it is. What exactly do I mean by that? 🫤
If you are doing something or did something that God doesn't like, then the person you're with probably isn't going to like it either. Relationship first starts with God. Let's say that you lied. Well, first off, that messes with your relationship with God because He tells us first in His Word that we shouldn't lie. So, when we go to our significant other, boss, friend, etc. and we lie, that causes..... guess what? Relationship issues! But it first started out with you doing something that God didn't like anyway because guess what? Relationships always start with God!
Let's say you cheated on a test, cheated on your spouse, cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend, cheated on your job, etc... Well, first the cheating started with God. Cheating deals with lust, pride, fornication, adultery. lying, etc. First off, God hates it. Secondly, the person that you're connected to is going to hate it! Why? Relationships always start with God and carries over with others!
If God doesn't like it, chances are... the person you're with aint gonna like it. #Selah
There are more things that I can add to this. Check out my podcast below. I breakdown 4 things that cause relationship problems in the natural, but started first in the supernatural with God. This is going to be good! Make sure to tune in!
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