Jan 03, 2020
Are you ready to reap the benefits simply from having vision as to where you are going in this 2020 new year? That’s right. There are benefits…a.k.a….blessings and favor that’s coming simply because you have vision for where you’re going and what you’re going to accomplish this year!
The bible tells us that people perish for lack of vision. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be one of those who perish because I can’t see ahead of where I’m at right now. We have to be able to see past the current so that we can experience the future. That’s what having vision is all about. No matter what you are currently going through, or should I say “growing through”, God has so much better on the horizon simply because you have vision and can see pass every circumstance! Tell yourself that there’s benefits to this!
So, let me give you a few benefits to having vision:
1. The blessing(s) of what you envision will manifest if you don’t give up on it.
2. Vision helps you to NOT live life by going in circles. With vision, you have an idea or picture of where your life is heading.
3. Vision helps you develop a healthy mental picture of your future self.
4. A vision helps sustain you while you go through a period of change (happy, sad etc).
5. The vision gives you the “why” and the fuel you need to push through.
6. Visioning helps you create more focus on what you really want.
7. Visioning connects you to purpose and therefore helps you with finding meaning in life.
8. When you have a mental picture of how you would like things to be, you are less likely to give up on your dreams.
Whatever you do this year, make sure you establish a precise vision for your life. Once it’s established, DON’T GIVE UP ON IT NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES! It shall surely come to pass! #Selah
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