Vision for NEXT
Jul 15, 2022
Habakkuk 2:3
For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
One thing I want you to know. Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart! Vision is something you sense, you feel, you know from deep within…you see it without seeing it….vision is a heart thing. Sight is an eye thing. Helen Keller said the only thing worse than being blind is having sight with no vision! She said that it’s a TERRIBLE thing to see but have no vision. Your vision is a clear conception of something that is not yet reality, but you know without a doubt it can exist.
What do you want to exist in your life? I want you to see yourself having that very thing. I don’t want you to lose sight of it no matter what happens. Life will continue to happen. No matter what life brings you, don’t let it kill your faith. You can’t have vision without faith. They work hand in hand. They are connected. They cannot be separated. If you have vision with no faith, then you are simply daydreaming. I don’t want you to daydream. I want you to LIVE the dream! Living the dream first starts with vision for the dream. Don’t let the vision die simply because things aren’t going the way you thought or because it’s taking longer to manifest. You have to realize that vision wakes up OPPOSITION! Opposition often proves you are doing something significant with your life. Let every opposition that comes your way strengthen you rather than stop you! Opposition is only letting you know that you are much closer than you realize. You have to keep pressing on!
In my podcast this week, I talk about the process of vision. There are things that we must do that will manifest the vision that we truly want to see. Are you ready? Make sure you listen to this episode. It’s truly going to bless you! You can check it out on our PODCAST page!
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