What’s Holding You Back? Identifying and Conquering Obstacles to Spiritual Fruitfulness
Jul 25, 2024
I'm not going to lie. Sometimes, it's so hard to walk in the fruit of the spirit. It's so hard to walk like God wants us to walk...talk like God wants us to talk.. think how God wants us to think...be how God wants us to be, etc.
Galatians 5:22-23
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Sometimes, it's hard to love those who mistreated or abused you, talked about you, walked out on you, slandered you... sometimes it's hard to have peace when you're going through one of the hardest times of your life! Sometimes, it feels like your joy was snatched away from you. Sometimes, your faith gets tried to see if you REALLY trust God like you say you do. Sometimes, it's hard to be gentle when you want to go OFF! That means that your self-control just went out the window! 🥴
No matter how long you have been saved by the grace of God, you're still not perfect. You may still have a moment or two every now and then. The key to it is.... you can't stay in those moments! You can have a moment, but don't let those moments have you!
Walking in the fruit of God's spirit takes trial and error, learning and growing, understanding, letting go, and not allowing the spirit of pride to make you think you're good when you're really not!
Let me give you some of the biggest hindrances to walking and talking like God would have us to walk and talk:
- Your flesh. Walk and talk by the spirit cause your flesh can make a mess of things!
- Lack of spiritual discipline. If you find yourself in opposition to the fruit of the spirit, ask yourself-- are you in your word consistently? Are you praying and fasting and intentionally seeking the face of God? Are you worshipping? What type of people are influencing you right now? Believe it or not, all of these things MATTER.
- Unforgiveness. It's stubborn. It wants you to suffer in silence. Will you let unforgiveness and bitterness ruin the plans that God has for you? #Selah
- Pride. You simply want to do you. Your way... or NO WAY! 🫤
There's so much more that I want to share with you on the biggest hindrances to you not walking in the fruit of the spirit. Tune in to my podcast below. I go deeper on it. It's going to bless you. Make sure to share.
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