Dec 27, 2019
Don’t worry about it. There were some things that happened, and things that didn’t happen. There were some goals achieved, and goals missed. There were relationships lost, and relationships gained. Through it all, you never lost. You gained something. You gained valuable lessons which in turn gave you valuable wisdom as you embark on this 2020 year. 2019 has helped you realize a little bit more on who you are, and the direction that God wants you to go.
One thing that I am challenging you on for 2020 is your mindset. I want you to evaluate how you see yourself, how you see life, how you think, the words that you say, the words that you don’t say, etc. It’s time to elevate your thinking so that you can elevate your life!
I learned that scientifically we are 99% mind and 1% body. That means that 99% of what you think, dictates to your body how your life is going to be. This correlates with the scripture “so as a man thinketh, so is he”. I don’t know about you, but I am determined to think at a greater level for this upcoming year so that my life can MANIFEST the GREATER level that I am actually thinking! Do you want to join me?
It’s time out for foolish seasons and foolish mindsets! We got greater on the horizon!
If you’re ready to join me for a whole new level of thinking, then tune in to my FB Page, Trish M. Prophetic Mondays are coming back stronger than ever! I’ll be going LIVE at 3 pm on January 6th (that’s CST for the time zone). Our focus starting out for the new year is on the mindset. We’re ready! If you haven’t liked my page, make sure you do so! I’ll be all about a whole new level in 2020! Let’s goo!!
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