Your Mind is TOO Expensive
Oct 05, 2023
Trish M Quote- Make wise investments into your mind. Some things are just too cheap to put in there. #Selah
Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Be mindful on what you put into your mind. Be mindful of the thoughts that you allow to enter in. Sometimes we could allow cheap things in that everybody is grabbing on to...fear, doubt, insecurity, lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, pride, loneliness, anger....see all those things are cheap. Everyone allows those things to enter in when life happens. Those things only need a small crack or crevice to enter your life. And guess what? A lot of people rocking with them cause they're easy to attain. Insecurity and fear... doubt....frustration....lust.....easy to be transferred to you!
Your mind is expensive. Treat it like a luxury car... a mansion. Take good care of it. You can't put put cheap gas in a luxury car. It HAS to be premium. Cheap gas can kill a luxury car. So can cheap things that you put in your mind! How are you fueling your mind? Cheap things like fear can come in and mess up the direction of your life! God didn't give it to you. The enemy did. Why? Because he wants to hijack your "luxury mindset"! Think on things above you and not beneath you. Guard your mind. As you shall you become. #Selah
Check out my podcast below. I break down the luxurious mindset. It's going to bless you!
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